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Monday, December 7, 2009

My W0rst PaSt

       When I was one years old until three,life is normal with a healthy body.I was raised on the farm with abundant food,but due to lack of medicine and complete Immunization before.My life was changed when miningitis hits me when I'm in the age of 4.I was unconcious and real sick when my family rushed me to the hospital and I could not even recognize who are people around me even my family,I was in the hospital for over a month with serious condition,with all the surgery, antibiotecs and central line and tubes in my mouth and order to protect my tougue,doctor put a tougue depressor on my mouth when I start shaking.My Neurosurgeon said  I had abscesses at the base of my mind and surgery would not be considered except as a last result.They said if I did survive,I would probably be paralized.But they promised to do the best as they can.My parents and family starts crying for my critical condition with trust and hope. To make the long story short, I survived yet my left hand and leg suffered a little paralized ,prayer played a major part in my recovery,I honestly believe if it weren't for prayer I would not be here now.After all, He was the only one I could talk to.
          After few weeks of being in the hospital I went home for my full recovery,,,I can able to eat,drink or talk when we left in the hospital.But start learning to do everything all over again,My mom taught me the alphabet in sign language,name whatever stuff in her hands,I'm learning to walk with the aid of mom til I can manage myself...Until now I often ask GOD why me?there's a lot of bad people out there,why did I get sick?why not bad people suffered like this?what is ur plan?Then I realized that GOD still have a good plan for me,serving Him according to what talent He blessed me.I'm now continue trav'lling with my journey in life,with faith,hope and love to Him.
           My parents relate my past when I'm in the age of 10...when I can able to understand the meaning of life.

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